Podcast Feature on This Is Actually Happening?

A woman born into the notorious Mormon cult, Church of the Firstborn, grows up in constant fear of their fatal practice of “blood atonement”, but after suffering under the oppression of her husband and caretaking his multiple wives, she plots a daring international escape. 

Visit pamelaspeaks.live to find out more about her life as an author, speaker and podcaster. She also has another project about the hypocrisy, secrecy and scandals of the cult: wickedconfessionsuncensored.com.

Producers: Whit Missildine, Andrew Waits, Aviva Lipkowitz

Content/Trigger Warnings: cult, religious abuse/trauma, polygamy/plural marriage, child bride/child marriage, abuse, fraud, blood atonement/death, murder (religious & cartel), the afterlife, poverty, birth control, rape/sexual coercion, explicit language

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Pamela Jones